With so much economic corruption evident, the cultivation of our ‘spirituality’ surely cannot exclude being trained to combat this corruption. This requires classes in economics and classes in political science.

With so much economic corruption evident, the cultivation of our ‘spirituality’ surely cannot exclude being trained to combat this corruption. This requires classes in economics and classes in political science.
You are invited to an on-line discussion on Zoom. Saturday July 10th 15:00 BST.
Topic: Is it possible to ‘transform our way of being’ in this day and age?
See the link below:
R M is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.
Topic: Shi’i Spirituality for the Twenty-First Century
Time: Jul 10, 2021 03:00 PM London
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 883 0511 1687
Passcode: 381142
Find your local number: https://us02web.zoom.us/u/keyZNmwdHE
Passing through the Dream has been reviewed on Goodreads, here: Passing Through the Dream… To the Other Side by Rebecca Masterton (goodreads.com)
One word about ‘vagueness’, or ‘ambiguity’: I was experimenting with Japanese forms of literature. In the Western form of literature, a story has a beginning, a middle and an end. This is not the case in Japanese literature. Western literature is meant to state its purpose in such a way that everything is spelled out without mystery, so that the meaning of the text can immediately be understood according to the conventions of Western rationality. Western-trained minds generally get frustrated with ambiguity. Ambiguity of meaning, or ‘vagueness’ plays a large part in Japanese culture. Ambiguity opens up numerous possibilities of meaning, thus leaving it up to the reader to reflect. A space of ambiguity is a space for exploring, experiencing and contemplating. The realm of ambiguity is a realm of mystery that challenges the rationally-trained mind
Click on the link below to download the following article:
History of Shiite Esoteric Interpretation in the Fourth Century
Critical feedback on the article:
It needs to have been proofread by a native English speaker in order to make it read smoothly. Too many articles published in the field of Shīʿī Studies are done so in English that is not fluent, which lowers the quality immediately and limits the audience.
This article gives some general outlines and information about early exegetes of the Qur’ān, and their works, dating back to the time of the Minor Occultation. It discusses briefly their different approaches and also considers the issue of authenticity of tafsīrs. Not bad for initially acquainting oneself with the field, but does not live up to the title of the article.
Click on the link below to download the following article:
Click on the link below to download the following article: A Comparative Exploration of the Spiritual Authority of the Awliyā’ in the Shī‘ī and Sufi Traditions
Online Shīʿa Studies holds live Skype sessions for communities around the world, including Ahlulbayt Societies. In March 2017, a live class, with discussion and Q&A was held with a group of students at university in Canada covering the topic of the esoteric dimensions of Shīʿism.
Early Shīʿī History Part One will be running every Tuesday from 21st March to 9th May 2017 (Group 1) and every Thursday from 23rd March to 11th May 2017 (Group 2) 9:00-10:30 pm BST; every Friday from 24th March to 12 May 2017 (Group 3) 1:30-3:00 pm BST. If you join up to Group 1, but miss a class, you can join Group 2, or Group 3 for that week.
The course is £130/$160. Once you have booked, you will be sent a Reading Pack for each class in pdf format, and a syllabus for the course. You will asked to provide your Skype ID for live classes. Classes are recorded. A certificate is awarded on the completion of an optional essay.
Online Shiʿa Studies has been running a free monthly course on tawhīd, with students from the UK, Pakistan, Kuwait, Saudi Arabia and the US attending on-line. If you are interested in signing up for when the next time this course runs, write to [email protected]
Online Shiʿa Studies is holding bespoke one-to-one on-line classes with applicants that are interested in Islam and wish to learn more. Classes are tailored to suit the needs of the applicant and arranged at a mutually convenient time. £25/$30 per hour. For further information write to [email protected]