This course takes as its remit an overview of the earliest texts produced by Muslim historians, albeit with their own proto-Shīʿī or proto-Sunnī inclinations. While acknowledging that both Shīʿī and Sunnī scholars often treat these historical texts with caution, the course nevertheless examines various accounts and interpretations of Islamic history, beginning with the event of Saqīfa (12-13 AH/632 CE) and ending with the assassination of ʿAlī b. Abī Ṭālib (40 AH/661 CE). The identities and political leanings of ḥadīth narrators and the historians that relied upon them are analysed in order for students to obtain a clearer understanding of the possible motives and contexts that have influenced how historical accounts have been compiled. The origins of terms such as ahl al-bayt (‘people of the house’) and shīʿa (partisan; follower) are explored through their pre-Islamic and Qur’ānic use; and the social, political and economic strategies of various competing interests in relation to ʿAlī b. Abī Ṭālib and Banī Hāshim are also critically examined, providing an insight into the factors that combined to bring about his death.
Week One | Sources and histories: the challenges of studying early history |
Week Two | The rationale for the rule of the Ahl al-Bayt (as) |
Week Three | The Event of Saqīfat Banī Sāʿida and the caliphate of Abū Bakr |
Week Four | The position of ʿAlī b. Abī Ṭālib vis-à-vis the caliphate of ʿUmar b. al-Khaṭṭāb |
Week Five | The caliphate of ʿUthmān b. ʿAffān: nepotism and proto-Shīʿī uprisings |
Week Six | Identities of the early Shīʿa |
Week Seven | The Battle of the Camel |
Week Eight | The Battle of Siffīn and ʿAlī b. Abī Ṭālib’s assassination |
- To familiarise you with both primary and secondary texts related to the field of study.
- To offer an academic and analytical method of presenting texts.
- To offer the opportunity for questions, comments and discussion.
This course is at the level equivalent to a Batchelor’s degree. The rate is standard for a non-accredited short course in the Humanities.
Edited Bibliography
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Course date and time
Every Saturday at 17:30 UK time from 13th July to 14th September 2024, with a two-week break for Arbaeen 17th and 24th August 2024.
Full course option £130/US$160/AUS$220: The full course consists of eight 90-minute live on-line classes. Once you have booked, you will be sent Reading Packs in pdf format, mp3 Recordings that guide you through each Reading Pack and a Syllabus. Live sessions are recorded with your permission. A certificate of attendance is awarded for attending all eight classes.
To book the course, please click on the button below:
Half-course option £65/$80: You can book the first half of the course with four 90-minute live on-line classes. To book, please click on the button below:
Self-study option £50/$65: You will receive a Syllabus, eight pdf Reading Packs and an mp3 Recording for each Reading Pack to guide you through. Study in your own time by reading the pdf Reading Packs and listening to the accompanying recorded lectures; write to the tutor with any questions and arrange one live tutorial.
For more information, please check the FAQs page, or write to [email protected]