Shīʿī Spirituality for the Twenty-First Century is a collection of talks and articles that reflect upon the teachings of Prophet Muhammad, his daughter Fatima, his granddaughter Zaynab and the Twelve Imams (as). It considers how our lives may be illuminated and our hearts strengthened in the fraught atmosphere of an often toxic modern age.
1. Transforming our Way of Being
2. Entering the Prophetic Path
3. The Return to Our Primordial Nature
4. The Ethics of Brotherhood in Islam according to ‘Ali ibn Abi Talib
5. The Place for Islam in the Modern World
6. Being Muslim in a Secular Environment
7. Divine Justice
8. Mawlid: Celebrating the Birth of Prophet Muhammad
9. Ghadīr: Fulfilling the Sunna of Allah
10. The Heart of Walaya
11. Imamate as the Protecting Vessel of the Heart
12. The Ontological Imam
13. Zuhd in the Life of Imam ‘Ali
14. Humanity in Nahj al-Balagha
15. The Esoteric and Symbolic Significance of Fatima
16. Imam al-Husayn’s Stand against Materialism
17. Sayyeda Zaynab: Preserving a Gift of the Ahl al-Bayt: Seeing the Inward Reality of Things
18. Conversations with Imam Ja‘far al-Sadiq
19. Initiation and the Qualities of the Shi‘a
20. Following the Scholars in the Time of Occultation
1. A Comparative Exploration of the Spiritual Authority of the Awliyā’
in the Shī‘ī and Sūfī traditions.
2. Walāya as a Response to the Self-Other Dichotomy in European Philosophy
‘Just a quick note to let you know how much I appreciate reading your essays. They really speak to my condition, such powerful words. I got stuck in the first ones, just reading certain passages over and over again. They’re like beads in a tasbih, beautiful.’
(Pieter-Jan van Eggermont, Sweden)
‘Wonderful book. Got it on my Kindle.’
(Maryam Janice Muhibullah, United States)
‘If anyone you know is searching for closeness to Allah SWT and the Holy Ahlulbait, then give them this book. The knowledge contained within these pages is timeless and purifying. An absolute must read if you are searching for connection to Allah SWT and the Holy Ahlulbait.’
(TN, Edinburgh, United Kingdom)
Listen to one of the chapters, ‘In Search of a Deeper Islam’:

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