Passing Through the Dream…

Passing Through the Dream… is a collection of short stories that fuses the culture of Western Europe with esoteric Islam. Enter a world where time and space melt away to reveal hidden truths; where the darkness of the twenty-first century is infused with the light of comedy and humour and where unexpected events can turn your view of life inside-out.


Rumsfeld’s Return; Being on Time; Chubsy and the Rose of Qamsar; Atsumori; The Ink of the Scholar; The Beauty of the Banlieue; New Civilisation; The Prophet’s Birthday

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Definitely recommend purchasing and reading. Very intriguing, and quite magical in a very strange way. Dr. Rebecca somehow combines very unlikely combinations, which for some reason opens doors within the imagination, allowing an amazing visualisation of the words. I remember reading this at university, having purchased a copy from the author Herself.

A. Kassim Hassan, 2016

I have read and reread this book, usually before going to bed to ponder on the spiritual world that may then enter my dreams. It is a thought provoking collection of short stories suggesting that what we consider reality is in fact the dream, and the spiritual realm beyond is in fact the true world. I especially enjoyed Chubsy and the Rose of Qumsar.

Silver Birch

I felt the author’s spirituality and faith shine through these cute little stories. Thank you in particular for ‘The Ink of the Scholar’, ‘New Civilisation’ and ‘The Prophet’s Birthday’ which touched my soul…

A. Reader

This collection of short stories was a quick and fun read which left me wishing that the author publishes a few more such collections. All of the stories were different, were well thought out, and had a nice Islamic twist. I especially enjoyed the first story—which something of a take-down, mockery, and exposé of the vile character known as Donald Rumsfeld. Anxiously waiting for more!

Rob Squires

Also available from Hatchards